Monday, September 13, 2010

Friday Nights Lights People doing bad things PLN #2

In class over the past few weeks we have been talking about ''what makes people do bad thing?'' In Friday Nights Lights it is talking about oh in the old time they would have these big booms where somebody would find some natural resource and then a lot of people would start coming to this small town. When the day was over they would all go into town and have a few drinks. People would start fighting each other over who made more money in the day. One thing lead to another and a lot of people died in the town. A newspaper Odessa (the small town) was ranked seventh out of 286 in most stressful towns because of alcoholism, crime, suicide, and divorce. I think in this book people are doing bad things because they want more money be for all of the natural resource where gone and they would have to got somewhere else to get money.

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